Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Declan at 2


  Since this little man has turned 2 he has been talking up a storm and his personality shines more and more everyday. A few things I want to always remember about him at this age:

*He just started saying I love you and it sounds like this "lalo mom"
* When he tells some he is sorry he likes to do a chicken dance flapping his one arm
* He loves his blanket if he could it would go everywhere with him. He calls it his blank he even sometimes likes to tell me he has a nice blank and other times is know as Blanket Boy capturing evil doers by throwing his blanket at them
* Anything Liam does he wants to do
* Any time anyone says they are going anywhere he says "I'm coming"
* He constantly asks for fruit snacks all day they are by far his favorite thing and he is relentless
* He usually just calls Rory baby, but has just started calling him Baby Roar roar
* He has an obsession with Orange Juice
*  He calls our IPad pie and loves to read stories on it
* He calls Batman "dun, dun" and would wear his batman pjs all day everyday if I let him
* I love when he comes up to me and says "Hold me mom, hold me" he can be quite the cuddle bug
* Oh and he has the sweetest little face and it makes it so hard to say mad at him

    Declan I love you to pieces:) After having you my heart expanded. You have brought us so much joy and I love watching your personality unfold. You are a laid back, goof ball, and I am lucky to be your mom.


  1. He sounds like a cool little man. Lalo mom is so sweet :)

  2. Hi.....What a cutie he is and I love his name! It's such a good idea to write down all the little memories. I've raised three sons, the youngest is now a college student, and I'm so glad I have things like this written down. And of course now I wish I had written down even more of them! :)

    I'm your newest follower from Spreading the Love Weekend Hop. I know I'm going to enjoy reading your posts. I'd love to have you stop by my place when you get a chance.
    ~Elaine @
